Sunday, July 10, 2011

Someone please roll this one along...

So for my 1st official post I thought I'd start from the very beginning of the horrific dating scene. 
Date #1 "Christopher Reeve"
I met him at some really lame church event. I was 17, he was 19. Really good lookin' guy. Tall, blonde, blue eyed, yeah know California dream boy. We talked, exchanged numbers and a day later I got the call, and the date was set. This is when things go bad...real bad. So the day of our date I never heard from him....uh...did I just get stood up? I guess this was the first sign of disaster. Well ya see here kids, what happened was he had gotten into a really bad car accident a few days prior, and a long story short he had broke both his legs, had surgery, and was expecting a long recovery. Now lets fast forward say 2 weeks and we go out on this date. He was certainly very eager to take me out, however he couldn't drive. So clearly I picked him up. "Christopher Reeve" was pretty embarrassed about me picking him up and helping him around (I mean come on, who wouldn't? The guy is in a wheelchair.) But it didn't matter to me, I was just excited to go out with the Cali dream boat. 
Red Flag #37: "Superman" was trying to hold my hand while he was pushing himself. Uh... Have you ever seen someone push their wheelchair with one hand? It tends to go in a circle.
Red Flag #82: He was being clingy. Gross.
You see where I'm going here!? So by the time we go see this ridiculously lame movie and ice cream after I'm ready to send this one home. But oh boy was I in for a treat! Once I speed him home (he was probably terrified haha poor kid.) Mr. Reeves invites me in. Red Flag #29. SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE INSIDE. His mother sat me down and showed me ALL of his baby pictures. Kill me. And not to mention the stories of him peeing the bed til he was 6, and asking me where I thought he was going on his mission. Oh did I mention they were BOTH planning our wedding. WTF? This is a first date. She wouldn't let me leave. I told her I had to be home by 10pm, and escaped fast! He text me a few times after and I never responded. Don't judge me! I was young, and mean. This should have been the first sign to my soon to be dating life... 
Follow up on Superman: He went on a mission, got married, and now walking. Yay...

The Good: I went on a date with Superman.

The Bad: Having someone roll over your foot on a wheelchair.

The Dirty: Peeing the bed til 6. Nasty. Keep that a secret.

1 comment:

  1. Why did I never hear about this one?? I kind of assumed I would be reading stories I have already heard on here!! PS.. who is he?
